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拘捕的英文翻译 拘捕英文怎幺说 拘捕的英文例句




    to arrest

arrest [ә'rest]

    vt.逮捕,拘留,吸引 n.逮捕,拘留


他因敲诈勒索罪被拘捕和控告。He was arrested and charged with extortion.他因为醉酒开车而被拘捕。He was arrested for drunk driving.她想要我这个送货员拘捕银行抢匪吗?She wants me a delivery boy to bust bank robbers?拘捕理查兹,按原计划进行Detain richards and proceed as ordered.没能通过大脑清醒测试的巴斯被拘捕。Buss was arrested after failing a field sobriety test.他们有好几次引人注目的拘捕行动。They have made some spectacular hauls.她表示,嫌犯没有拘捕,后来直接送到警察局接受审讯。The suspect did not resist arrest and was taken to the police station for questioning she said.兇犯立即被拘捕了。The murderer was at once apprehended.已经发出传票拘捕他。A summons hasbeen issued against him.


不受拘捕的特权 privilege from arrest

依法拘捕 lawful arrest; legal attachment

再拘捕 rearrest; rearrest

协助拘捕证 warrant of assistance in arrest

合法拘捕 lawful arrest

拘捕 arrest; capture; take into custody; arrest; capture

拘捕、扣留除外条款 free of capture and seizure clause

拘捕令状 writ of capias

拘捕和扣留除外 free of capture and seizure

拘捕和扣留除外 free of capture and seizure

拘捕在逃被告令 capias; capias ad respondendum; c resp.

拘捕权 power of arrest

拘捕法 law of arrest

拘捕状 warrant of arrest

擅自拘捕 unwarranted arrests

无固定住处以逃避拘捕 on the dodge

第二次拘捕 second arrest

通过宣誓使法院发出对被告的拘捕证 wear out a warrant

