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捲入的英文翻译 捲入英文怎幺说 捲入的英文例句




    to be drawn into
    to be involved in

drawn [drɔ:n]

    vbl.draw的过去分词 adj.拔出的

into [intu]


involved [in'vɔlvd]



深深捲入苦难和沦丧的局面。Deeply involved in the scenario of suffering and loss.他们在由谁控制该党的问题上捲入了一场十分卑鄙的争斗。They're involved in a rather squalid battle as to who controls the party.他总是贸然行动,屡屡捲入困境。He's always plunging in at the deep ned.她捲入了一些不很令人满意的恋情之中。She plunged into a few unsatisfying affairs.问:今年的蒙扎,你被捲入了和法拉利车队之间的战争。Q: this year you go to monza locked in a battle with ferrari.无论哪个国家使用原子弹都会使全世界捲入战争。Whichever nation explodes an atomic bomb will engage the whole world in war.一个巴基斯坦人捲入了一起袭击纽约的阴谋,经历了一场道德危机。Pakistani involved in a planned attack in new york city experiences a crisis of conscience.有初步证据证明他捲入了这场骗局。There is prima facie evidence that he was involved in the froud.在某些时候,协力厂商力量可能会被捲入冲突中。In some cases a third force is also pulled into the confrontation.在英国的政府体系中,女王应该是不捲入党派政治的。In the british system of government the queen I ssupposed to be above party politics.


不捲入 kept out

使...捲入纠纷 embroil in

使捲入 drag into; engage in; entangle in; implicate in

使捲入到...之中 draw into

捲入 be caught up in; be embroiled in; be mixed up in; be mixed up with

捲入战争旋涡 drift into war

空气自然捲入 natural air entrainment

被捲入 be complicated in; be in play; become involved in

被捲入到 mix up in

