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轻快的英文翻译 轻快英文怎幺说 轻快的英文例句




    light and quick

light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮

quick [kwik]

    adj.快的,迅速的,敏捷的,急剧的,活泼的 adv.快 n.活人,生物,要点,本质,核心,感觉敏锐的部位

brisk [brisk]

    adj.敏锐的,凛冽的,轻快的,活泼的 vt.使活泼 vi.活跃起来

spry [sprai]

    adj.充满生气的,活泼的,敏捷的 美国Spry线上服务公司


轻快的小船;经常用于船长个人使用。Light ship's boat; often for personal use of captain.轻快地走迅速而灵活地走来走去To move about rapidly and nimbly.轻拍,轻打轻快的拍击A quick light pat.如果那样,所有的词语将是轻快的,每个句子都是一个惊奇。”Then all the words will be sprightly& every sentence a surprise.所有的小孩子都以轻快的步伐上了小山。All the kids went up the hill with springy steps.他一边轻快地走着,一边用手杖在空中旋转。He walks along briskly twirl his cane in the air.陀螺在轻快地旋转。The top was spinning merrily.望着如此庞大的牲畜能用这样轻快的步子走着,保罗不禁讚歎不已。Paul admired that so large an animal should walk on such springy toes.我认为它是有着最为忧郁同时又轻快开头的歌曲。保罗麦卡锡真是个天才。The most melancholic and light start of a song ever.paul mccartney is a genuis as well.因此,部分总和是机智,轻快和凄美。Consequently the sum of the parts is witty spry and poignant.这类曲调节奏轻快,弹奏出的乐音,总带有一种匀称的马蹄声The lively tune is like well-balanced clatter of horse hoofs.


以轻快的步调前进 zip along

以轻快的节奏进行 zip along

脚步轻快 light of foot; lit of foot

节奏轻快 gone with a swing

节轻快 went with a swing

轻快 lissomness

轻快地 airily

轻快地往...下麵走 trip down

轻快地操作 rattle off

轻快地走 link down

轻快地走出 waltz out

轻快地走进 waltz in; waltz into

轻快地飞过 flit through

轻快长裙 sportive longuette

