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轻工的英文翻译 轻工英文怎幺说 轻工的英文例句




    light engineering

light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮

engineering [endʒi'niәriŋ]



轻工业把产值提高了18。4%。Light industry increased its output value by18.4per cent.我们的产品系列包括机床和轻工产品。15our Product range includes machine tools and light industrial products.


中国轻工业品进出口总公司 China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation

中国轻工业对外工程公司 China Light Industry Engineering Corporation

中国轻工业对外经济技术合作公司 China Light Industrial Corporation for Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation

中国轻工业进出口服务公司 China Light Industry Import-Export and Service Corporation

二轻工业 industries under Ministry of the Second Light Industry

整轻工 warper

第一轻工业局 First Light Industry Bureau

第二轻工业局 Second Light Industry Bureau

经营轻工业品 deal in light industriul products

轻工业 light industry

轻工业主管部门 administrative department in charge of the light industry; competent administrative department for the light industry

轻工业产品 light industry products; light industrial products

轻工业品 light industrial products

轻工业品馆 hall of light industrial products

轻工业机械 light industrial machinery

轻工产品购销合同 contract for sales of light industrial products

轻工市场 market for manufactured goods turned out by light industries

轻工抽绣 light punch work

