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tired [taiәd]



她突然感到非常困倦。She suddenly started to feel very sleepy.她突然感到一阵倦意。A wave of tiredness swept over her.她在长时瞌睡后,觉得十分疲倦。She began to feel weighed down by a heavy somnolence.厌倦了为签字而将档往返递送,秘书决定将所有的签字人叫来。Tired of shuttlecock the document for signature the secretary decide to call in all the signer.厌倦了在白人控制的企业中充当装点门面的黑人角色,他于1956年年退出了演艺圈。He ratired from acting in1956 tired of being the token black in a white-dominated industry.于是慢慢地他们厌倦物质的追求Then they gr ew tir ed of mat erial desir es.在这方面,他们得到了他们的母亲,婶婶以及其它年长的女亲戚们孜孜不倦的怂恿。In this view they were sedulously abetted by their mother aunts and other elderly female relatives.只要爱伦还在,或者她能找到一个比爱伦年纪大,比她更加聪明而又不知疲倦的女人,该多好啊!If there were only ellen someone older than she wiser and unweary to whom she could go!


使...感到厌倦 cheesed off

使...疲倦 taken the starch out of; took the starch out of

使厌倦 cheese off

使感到厌倦 cheese off

使疲倦 take the starch out of

倦于 be sick of; be sick to death of

厌倦 tired of

变得厌倦 got done; gotten done

因...而厌倦 weary with

困倦 sleepiness

孜孜不倦地 with assiduity

孜孜不倦地干 driven away at; drove away at

对...厌倦 sick to death of

对...感到厌倦 wear out one''s welcome

极度厌倦 fed upness

极度疲倦的 dead to the world

毫不疲倦 not turn a hair

疲倦 languor; weariness

疲倦不堪 be washed out

疲倦得要命的 dead beat

非常疲倦 be far gone; dead tired

