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桔子的英文翻译 桔子英文怎幺说 桔子的英文例句



[jú zǐ]


tangerine [.tændʒә'ri:n]



把线系到桔子上。Tie a string to the tangerine.桔子是用棉纸包好装在柳条篓里。Oranges in tissue paper packed in crates.篮子里有六十个桔子。There are sixty oranges in the basket.男孩把桔子吸干了。The boy sucked the orange dry.你喝不喝桔子水?Will you drink orange juice?你要喝桔子汁吗?Do you wantsome orange juice?她从桔子里挤出果汁。She squeezed juice from orange.为公司工作了20年后,亚曆克斯像个被榨干了的桔子被抛弃了。After working twenty years for the company alex was discarded like a sucked orange.我们说桔子皮,苹果皮,土豆皮。One speaks of orange peel and apple peel and tomato skin.先是桔子树现在是这个First the orange tree now this.现在桔子已经下市。Oranges are out of season now.一瓶桔子汁和一些优酪乳。A bottle of orange juice and some sour milk.这是你的桔子香槟和果汁酒Here's your mimosa and a pina colada.这是一棵苹果树,那是一棵桔子树。This is an apple tree and that is an orange tree.这些桔子被储存起来留冬天吃。These oranges were put by for the winter.


桔子 mandarin

桔子巧克力威化饼乾 orange chocolate wafer

桔子果珍 orange Tang

桔子水 orangeade

桔子汁 mandarin orange juice

桔子汽水 orange soda

桔子油 mandarin oil

桔子油香精 flavoring orange oil essence

桔子罐头 canned mandarin orange

桔子酒 orange wine

桔子酱 orange marmalade

桔子金酒 orange Geneva

桔子香精 flavoring orange essence

糖水桔子 mandarin in light syrup tangerine in syrup

糖水桔子罐头 canned mandarin orange in light syrup canned orange in syrup

黄岩桔子 Huangyan orange

