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清仓的英文翻译 清仓英文怎幺说 清仓的英文例句




    to make an inventory of warehouses;to make a checkup of warehouses

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

inventory [invәntәri; (-) 'invәntɔ:ri]



清仓物资,低价倾销。Dump clearance goods at low price.清仓削价销售对顾客很有吸引力。The clearance sale is pulling well.他们正进行清仓大减价。They're having a clearance sale.我们今天清仓大拍卖。We have a clearance sale today.我是在清仓大拍卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale.这家购物商场正举行清仓大拍卖活动。This shopping mall is having a big clearance sale.这是我们夏季清仓拍卖It's our summer clearance sale.该商行决定举行清仓大拍卖来推销掉旧的库存。The firm decided to have a rummage sale to clear out the collection of old stock.清仓大拍卖时,较小尺寸的衣服总是很快就卖光。Smaller clothing sizes always sell out quickly at clearance sales.


清仓利库 conduct a checkup of warehouses and make a better use of the stored goods

清仓大拍卖 rummage sale

清仓廉价 clearance sale; liquidation sale; layaway sale

清仓拍卖 clearance sale; rummage sale

清仓损失 loss on clearing warehouse

清仓查库 checking warehouse and stock

清仓查库,清理仓库 check warehouse stocks; take stock; make an inventory of warehouse; check-up of warehouses

