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居所的英文翻译 居所英文怎幺说 居所的英文例句



[jū suǒ]


residence [rezidәns]



拥有自己的居所是许多市民的愿望。Owning one's home is an aspiration shared by many in the community.有关居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?What is the tax treatment in relation to home loan interest deduction?原本为狩猎居所,路易十三世和路易十四世予以扩建。Originally a hunting lodge it was enlarged by louis xiii and louis xiv.大卫在神面前蒙恩,祈求为雅各的神豫备居所。Who found favour before god and desired to find a tabernacle for the god of jacob.富丽堂皇的餐厅、旅馆、居所。A palatial dining room hotel residence光明的居所从何而至?黑暗的本位在于何处?Which is the way to the resting-place of the light and where is the store-house of the dark;在撒冷有他的帐幕,在锡安有他的居所。In salem is his tent his resting-place in zion.主阿,你世世代代作我们的居所。Lord you have been our resting-place in all generations.


临时居所 temporary residence

习惯居所 habitual residence; usual residence

公民的居所 residence of a citizen

商业居所 commercial residence

固定居所 fixed residence

居所 residence

居所不可侵犯性 inviolability of residence

居所地 place of residence

居所证件 certificate of residence

居所豁免 immunity of residence

指定居所 assigned residence

永久居所 permanent residence

永久居所原则 principle of permanent residence

税收居所 residence for tax; taxable residence

经常居所地 habitual residence

