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[xì kàn]

    to peer
    to scan
    to examine carefully

peer [piә(r)]

    n.同等的人,贵族 vi.凝视,窥视 vt.与...同等,封为贵族

scan [skæn]

    v.细看,审视,流览,扫描 n.扫描


先逛几个商店,仔细看看商品,比较一个价格。Visit various stores examine the goods carefully and compare prices.“呵,不,米吉塔,我决不会离开你的。”我盯着她仔细看,我简直不能相信我所见到的。Oh no mi jita I'm never going to leave you. I looked into her eyes and could not believe what I saw.“这球拍想必是很贵重的,”谢斯塔慎重地细看着球拍。"The racket must have been very expensive" said shaista scanning it respectfully.不再仔细看看这张草图?Another look at the sketch?迁徙野鹅在着陆之前总要细看有无危险。Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible danger before they land.细看,仔细检查:详细检查或仔细观察;很挑剔地检查。Scrutinize: to examine or observe with great care; inspect critically.仔细看,花朵还是立体的呢!Look carefully the flower is still three-dimensional!仔细看,你们会发现北斗星连成一个犁的形状Iook closely. Y ou will see the plough taking shape.仔细看看那个染了色的玻璃窗Get a load of that stained-glass window.在扫描显微镜下再仔细看看这个异常Take a closer look at the anomaly underthe scanning microscope.


仔细看 got a load of

细看 scanned; scanning

细看标籤 peer at the tag

