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驹的英文翻译 驹英文怎幺说 驹的英文例句




colt [kәult]

    n.小马,无经验的年轻人 vt.用绳抽打 n. 柯尔特式自动手枪


为什幺母鸡能孵小驹?Why can hens have chicks?问题9:成为周岁驹的年龄?Question9: when does a foal become a yearling?这匹野雄驹被驯服了,变得很温顺。The wild colt is docile now he's been broken in.津田驹ks-200型浆丝机上浆工艺实践Sizing technology of tsudakoma sizing machine ks-200母马称为牝马,公马称为种马,而小马则称为马驹。A female horse is a mare a male horse is a stallion and a young horse is a foal.小马驹断奶后不会再有像先前从母马那得到的特製的自然饮食。A weaned animal will not have the tailor-made natural diet it previously received from the mare.杨基?嘟得儿,骑着小驹进城去,Yankee doodle went to town a-riding on a pony.洋基。嘟得儿,骑着小驹进城去,Yankee doodle came to town riding on a pony.


多毛马驹皮 heavy hair pony skin

带假鬃的熟大毛马驹皮 dressed heavy hair pony skin with imitation mane

朋雪克-金驹鸟牌汽车 Pontiac Firebird

朋雪克-金驹鸟牌汽车 Pontiac Firebird

熟大毛马驹皮 dressed heavy hair pony skin

熟马驹皮 dressed pony skin

熟驴驹皮 dressed donkey skin

熟骡驹皮 dressed mule skin

金驹鸟牌汽车 Sunbird

金驹鸟牌汽车 Sunbird

马驹尾把毛 dressed pony tail hair

马驹皮 pony skin raw pony skin

马驹皮材料褥子 pony pieces skin plate pony skin plate

马驹皮靠垫 pony skin cushion

马驹鬃把毛 dressed pony mane

驴驹皮 donkey skin raw donkey skin

骡驹皮 mule skin raw mule skin

