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清空的英文翻译 清空英文怎幺说 清空的英文例句



[qīng kōng]

    to clear
    to empty

clear [kliә(r)]

    adj.清楚的,清晰的,清澈的,光亮的,空旷的,有条理的 adv.清楚地,完全地 v.扫除,清除,晴,跳过,净得

empty [empti]

    adj.空的,空洞的,空虚的 vt.使成为空的,倒空 v.倒空 adj.空的,空闲的 v.腾空,腾出来


车尾箱甩卖是清空阁楼和车库的一大捷径。The car boot sale is a great way of emptying the contents of your loft or garage.可清空您的历史列表。To empty the history lists.清空日记需要删除条目。Emptying journal involves deleting entries.如停机一周以内,下次再开机时不用清空蒸煮管。It is not necessary to empty out the digester in stops lower than one week.她清空了你的银行帐户She cleaned out your bank account...我要清空贼林…I want the thieves'forest emptied...用黑手清空驻守的步兵,为自己占一个。Use a black hand to clear out garrisons and take it for yourself.在制动液压系统大量地清空后,也执行该步骤。Also carry out this procedure if the brake hydraulic system was largely empty.正在清空帐户目录…""0Clearing account directory..." 0在测量间隔期间清空量杯。Empty the measuring cup between measurements.

