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轻击的英文翻译 轻击英文怎幺说 轻击的英文例句



[qīng jī]


tat [tæt]

    v.梭编,梭织 n.粗麻布,轻击

tip [tip]

    n.顶,尖端,梢,倾斜,轻击,末端,小费,秘密消息 vt.在...顶端装附加物,使倾斜,使翻倒,暗示,轻击,给,洩露,给小费 vi.倾斜,翻倒,倾覆,踮脚走,给小费 n.提示,技巧

flip [flip]

    vt.掷,弹,轻击,(用鞭等)抽打,空翻 vi.用指轻弹,抽打,翻动书页(或纸张),蹦跳 n.抛,弹,筋斗 adj.无礼的,冒失的,轻率的

fillip [filip]

    n.弹指,轻击,刺激 vt.用指弹,刺激,激起 vi.弹指

tatt [tæt]

    n.= tat

tap [tæp]

    n.轻打,活栓,水龙头 vt.轻打,轻敲,敲打出,开发,分接,使流出,选择,攻螺纹于 vi.轻叩,轻拍,轻声走 n.(用複数)熄灯号


你需要练习轻击(球)You need to practise putting (the ball).她从球穴区的边缘轻击三次(以图将球打入穴中)。She took three putts (ie to get the ball into the hole) from the edge of the green.目的在于轻击、佯攻、假装出拳攻击,而并非认真开打。The aim was to spar to feint and to strike mock blows rather than to fight in earnest.轻击和缓地或轻轻地击打某物或抵挡某物To hit something or against something gently or lightly.尼克•法尔多从50英尺开外打了一记漂亮的轻击入穴。儘管已是超出标準杆3杆。Nick faldo makes an incredible putt from50feet although it's a triple bogey.你需要练习轻击球。You need to practise putting the ball.如果沙坑没有高起的边缘,你也许能把球轻击出去。If the bunker has no lip you might be able to putt the ball out.他第二次轻击使球入洞,使他得6分。His second putt holed him out for a six.她深思时有轻击胳膊肘的习惯。She has an odd trick of stroking her elbow when she's thinking.我竟然连一次3英尺远的轻击也没把球打进洞。I managed to miss a three-foot putt.


轻击 tat

轻击锤 tapper

