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    Zeikowa acuminata


山毛榉、橡树和落叶松覆盖了全岛的70%。Beech oak and larch blanket70percent of the island.山毛榉的果实很可口,但吃起来却很费事。Beech nuts are tasty but fiddly to eat.山毛榉果实:山毛榉树的呈三角形的小坚果。Beechnut: the small three-angled nut of a beech tree.夕阳下,山毛榉树叶清澈闪亮。The leaves of the beeches are trans lucent in the setting sun.选择针叶材花旗松和阔叶材山毛榉作为实验材料;Douglas fir of coniferous tree and beech of broadleaf tree is selected as the experiment materials.由山毛榉树木构成的。Consisting of or made of wood of the beech tree.在一棵高大的山毛榉的树阴下。Under the shade of a huge beech.这儿有株山毛榉和一株铁杉长在一起,旁边还有三株松树。Here is a beech by the side of a hemlock with three pines at hand.这些山毛榉树的根不深。These beech trees have shallow roots.

