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擎的英文翻译 擎英文怎幺说 擎的英文例句



    to raise (hand)

raise [reiz]

    n.上升,高地,提出 vt.升起,唤起,提高,使出现,解除,饲养,筹集,使复活

hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给


引擎棒极了,顶尖的波箱The engine is brilliant.gear box tiptop.引擎发出一阵劈啪声就熄火了。The engine gave a sputter and died.引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope.糟糕!四号引擎没有了Oh rats! Lost number four.怎幺样使用搜寻引擎呢?How to use the search engine?指定资料库引擎不应自动重新计算统计资讯。Specifies that the database engine should not automatically recompute statistics.指定要显示的预设搜寻引擎。Specifies the default search engine to display.中文tts引擎语音资料物件类。Chinese tts engine voice data object class.


半狄塞尔引擎 n. semi-diesel engine

单引擎单翼机 single engined monoplane

双引擎单翼机 tein engined monoplane

后引擎拖拉机 rear-engined tractor

引擎 engineanalytical engine

往复式引擎 n. reciprocating engine

擎住电流 latching current

船舶引擎 engine for boat

车辆引擎罩 hood for vehicle engine

轻型双引擎直升机 light twin-engine helicopter

配汽油引擎之洗衣机 gasoline washer

陶瓷引擎 ceramic engine

