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烯的英文翻译 烯英文怎幺说 烯的英文例句




alkene [ælki:n]



一种丙烯的聚合体,用作热塑性铸型材料。A polymer of propylene used as a thermoplastic molding material.一种带柠檬味的液态萜烯,见于柠檬、柑桔和其他香精油中。A liquid terpene with a lemon odor; found in lemons and oranges and other essential oils.一种聚苯乙烯的聚合体,硬而透明的热塑性塑胶。A polymer of styrene; a rigid transparent thermoplastic.一种热塑性塑胶,由含乙烯基的化合物聚合而成。A thermoplastic derived by polymerization from compounds containing the vinyl group.一种无色油质液体,聚苯乙烯的单体。A colorless oily liquid; the monomer for polystyrene.一种乙烯基聚合体,尤其用于漆或粘合剂中。A vinyl polymer used especially in paints or adhesives.


一种聚苯乙烯塑胶 trolitul

丁二烯 butadiene

丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚 butadiene-styrene block copolymerization

丁二烯橡胶 bivinyl rubber divinyl rubber

丁二烯橡胶类 butaprenes

丁二烯聚合物 butadiene polymer

丁烯 butylene; butene

丁烯比妥 crotarbital

丁烯氧化 butylene oxidation

丁烯烟肼 crotoniazid

丁烯畏混剂 Cio-Vap

丁烯畏混剂 Cio-Vap

丁烯磷 crotoxyphos

丁烯磷杀虫剂 Ciodrin

丁烯脱氢 butylene dehydrogenation

丁烯酮 vinylmethylketone

丁烯酸 butenoic acid

丁烯醇 butenol

丁烯醛 butenoic aldehyde

七烯类 heptaenes

三乙烯二胺 triethylene diamine

三十碳烯 triacontylene

三异丁烯 triisobutene triisobutylene

三氟乙基乙烯醚 fluroxene

三氟氯乙烯树脂 chloro-trifluoro-dthylene resun

三氨基丁烯甲酯 3-aminomethyl crotonate

三氯乙烯 trichlorethylene; trichloroethylene; triclene

三氯代乙烯 ethylene trichloride

三烯 triene

三烯类 trienes

