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寄信的英文翻译 寄信英文怎幺说 寄信的英文例句




    send;to post a letter

send [send]


post [pәust]

    n.柱,邮件,岗位,职位,邮政;vt.张贴,揭示,邮递,布置;vi.快速旅行;adv.加速地;Passive Optical Seeker Technique,被动光学自导的导弹技术;Power-on self test,加电自检

letter [letә(r)]

    n.文字,字母,信函,字面意义,铅字,(pl.)证书,(pl.)文学,学问 vt.用字母标明,在...上刻(或题)字 vi.写印刷体字母


非常抱歉,我忘了帮你寄信了。I'm dreadfully sorry I forgot to post the letter for you.我想把这封信按保寄信寄到中国去。I'd like to mail this letter to china by certified mail.转寄信息即免一死Death exemption by forwarding the message.多比雅又常寄信来,要叫我惧怕。And tobiah sent letters with the purpose of causing me fear.寄信前要在信封上贴上邮票。Stick a stamp on the envelope before you post the letter.寄信人地址是西雅图一家律师事务所。The return address was a law firm in seattle.寄信人以手稿、格式或橡皮图章的形式添加要求。Senders added the requirement by manuscript etiquette or rubber stamp.你想寄信就到哪里去?Where do you go when you want to post a letter?如果无法送达,请退回寄信人。If undelivered please return to sender.万军之耶和华以色列的神如此说,你曾用自己的名寄信给耶路撒冷的众民和祭司玛西雅的儿子西番雅,并众祭司,说,Shemaiah the nehelamite sent a letter in his name to zephaniah the son of maaseiah the priest saying在加油站里有一个供我寄信的邮筒。A pillar box for me to post letters stands in a petrol kiosk.


免费邮寄信 unfranked

寄信 a sort of classified official documentation in the Qing Dynasty

