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    surname Xi

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

xi [sai]



我要一杯奶昔。I'd like a milk shake.昔日的朋友;我们从前的荣誉;该国以前的首都;她昔日的恋人。Erstwhile friend; our former glory; the once capital of the state; her quondam lover.昔日的西部,有时亡命徒会劫持驿站马车。In the old west outlaws sometimes tuck up the stage coaches.昔日有个目连僧,Once there was a monk named mulian修昔底德对战争的叙述在许多层面都是很重要的。Thucydides'account of the peloponnesian war is important on many levels.也可以给你做奶昔,要奶昔吗?I could make you a smoothie if you like.would you like a smoothie?在拥挤的电车上,男子让坐给女士,往昔在英国是习以为常的。It used to be customary in england for a man to give up his seat to a lady in a crownded tramcar.这时,往昔一种遗憾的泪水几乎要夺眶而出。The regretful tears of the past threaten my eyes.走到中间的时候,柯罗被奶昔冰了一下。Then in mid stride connor froze.


今昔 in all ages

他莫昔芬胶囊 tamaxin capsule

伊索昔康 isoxicam

吡罗昔康 piroxicam

呱克昔林 perhexiline

呱泊昔嗪 pipoxizine

噻昔达唑 tioxidazole

地昔伐卡因 dexivacaine

地昔帕明 desipramine

地莫昔林 dimoxyline

壬苯昔醇 nonoxinol

奥昔利平 oxyclipine

奥昔卡因 oxetacaine

奥昔呱汀 oxypertine

奥昔啡烷 oxilorphan

奥昔喷地 oxypendyl

奥昔嘌醇 oxipurinol

奥昔布宁 oxybutynine

奥昔康唑 oxiconazole

奥昔托隆 oxetorone

奥昔拉定 oxeladin

奥昔拉米 oxiramide

奥昔氯生 oxychlorosene

奥昔磷酸 oxidronic acid

奥昔舒侖 oxisuran

奥昔芬近 oxifungin

奥昔香豆素 oxycoumarin

奥昔麻黄堿 oxyfedrine

尼克昔酸 nixylic acid

帕佐昔特 pazoxide

