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    to rue

pity [piti]

    v.(觉得)可怜 n.憾事,怜悯,同情

regret [ri'gret]

    n.遗憾,悔恨,抱歉,歉意 vt.为...感到遗憾,后悔,惋惜,哀悼,懊悔 vi.感到抱歉

rue [ru:]

    n.懊悔,后悔,[植]芸香 v.后悔,悲伤,懊悔


我们的建议:-以下内容仅供参考。爸爸说,vv是个好女孩,要好好珍惜!The daddy said that vv is a good girl must treasure well!我们的心灵珍惜什幺?What do our hearts treasure?我们决心不惜任何代价拿下敌人的碉堡。We were determined to take enemy's strong hold at any cost.我们可惜没有钱了。Sadly we have no more money.我们没有必要为蒸汽火车的停止使用感到惋惜。We have no need to mourn the passing of the steam train.亚惜的儿子是他哈。他哈的儿子是乌列。乌列的儿子是乌西雅。乌西雅的儿子是少罗。Tahath his son uriel his son uzziah his son and shaul his son.在讚扬“毛主义”和毛泽东方面,她是不惜笔墨的。She was not niggardly in praising "maoism" and mao.


不吝惜地 without stint

不惜一切 stick at nothing; stop at nothing; stuck at nothing

不惜一切代价 go to the length

不惜代价 at all costs; at any cost

不惜任何代价 at all hazards

不惜工本 spare neither labor nor money; at all costs; spare no expense; spare no cost; at any cost

不惜牺牲别人往上爬 claw one''s way to

可惜 too bad

惋惜记表 regret

毫不惋惜地走开 shake the dust off her feet; shaken the dust from her shoes; shaken the dust off their feet; shook the dust from their shoes

爱惜人力物力 treasure manpower and material resources; use manpower andmaterial resources sparingly

爱惜名声 look to one''s laurels

