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    surname Xi

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

xi [sai]



一个人养成一个良好的习惯,会一生受益。One individual nurturance a good convention meeting lifetime is benefited.一个语言学学位,学习萨丁尼亚语言的源头... In linguistics the origin of sardinian dialects.一间髒乱的卧房;孩子吃藏东西的习惯。A mussy fussy bedroom; a child's messy eating habits.一艘汽船为那些练习划船比赛的孩子们定步调。A motor boat will pace the boys training for the rowing match.一项习惯性的礼仪或仪式A customary rite or ceremony.一种习惯的仪式和惯例。Any customary observance or practice.与习俗和礼节相一致。According with custom or propriety.


一般习惯 general custom

不习惯于 unaccustomed to

不形成习惯 non use

与...练习拳击 spar with

个人学习 individual learning

中华学习机 China educational computer

为...学习 study for

为...而学习 read for

主动与被动学习 active and passive learning

主动学习 active learning

习俗 custom; mores

习俗同居 cohabitation with habit and repute

习俗权 customary right

习俗道德 conventional morality

习字帖 copy book

习字簿 copying book

习尚 usage

习得 acquisition

习得性行为 learned behavior

习得行为 learnned behavior

习性 habit

习性学 ethology

习惯 groove; observance; praxis; propensity

习惯,习俗 customs

习惯上 available for use

习惯于 accustomed; got used to; gotten accustomed to; inure; were used to

习惯价格 customary price

习惯作法 accepted practice

习惯保有 customary tenure

习惯保有财产 customary tenure estates

