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琴键的英文翻译 琴键英文怎幺说 琴键的英文例句



[qín jiàn]

    a piano key

piano [pi'ænәu.pi'a:-]


key [ki:]

    n.钥匙,关键,解答,(打字机等的)键,调子,对译本,(开钟錶、发条的)栓,要害 vt.调节...的音调,锁上,插上栓,提供线索 vi.使用钥匙 n.[乐]键,调,基调


联键音栓连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.发c调的乐器调至a调音高的絃乐器、琴键或管乐器A string key or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.那男孩轻敲钢琴的琴键。The boy touched the keys of the piano.去弹奏上百万的琴键And roll out a keyboard with millions of keys他把手指摆在琴键上等着。He waited with his fingers poised over the keys.他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet.他在使劲敲击琴键。He was hammering at the keys.她的手指连续地敲击琴键。Her fingers rattled on the keys of the piano.调至a调音高的絃乐器、琴键或管乐器"A string key or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone."乌木这种树木的木头,用以製造木屋或钢琴键The wood of this tree used in cabinetwork and for piano keys.木琴琴键的长度决定音阶的不同音调。The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale.手要精确地敲琴键。Keep your hands nicely poised over the keyboard.


琴键开关 keyboard switch

琴键式按钮 piano-key push button

钢琴键 piano key

钢琴键盘 finger board

