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就算的英文翻译 就算英文怎幺说 就算的英文例句




    granted that
    even if

granted ['grɑ:ntid]

    adv (used to admit the truth of a statement before introducing a contrary argument 用以肯定某事物属实, 然后提出相反的论据): Granted, it's a splendid car, but have you seen how much it costs! 的确, 那汽车很漂亮, 可你看过价钱了吗?

even [i:v(ә)n]

    adj.平的,平滑的,偶数的,一致的,平静的,恰好的,平均的,连贯的 adv.[加强语气]甚至(...也),连...都,即使,恰好,正当 vt.使平坦,使相等 vi.变平,相等 n.偶数,偶校验

if [if]

    conj.(表条件)如果,(表假设)要是,是否,即使 n.条件,设想


就算他摇动她也不会醒来Should he shake her she would never rouse.就算有个世界的人是草率的…That even in a world where people can be superficial...就算在减肥,你还是可以吃早餐。You can still eat breakfast when slimming.就算在我会在厨房的地板上跳舞,Dancing on the kitchen tiles就算在英国殖民统治期间,如果有人跑进僧院,英国人也不会追下去。」Even the british colonial rule they stopped chasing people when they ran into a monastery.就算这些全是真的,我们怎幺跟蹤那家伙?Providing all this is true how do we track this man down?谁找到就算谁的?寻宝吗?Finders keepers? Treasure hunt?跳上木板就算赢,加油!Even jumped onto the plank win refueling.这本书你千万不要草草写完就算了。You must not rush through the book.至于投靠北方的人----我是说我和你,我的宝贝儿----要不是受到唾弃,就算走运了。And as for scallawags--that's you and me my pet--we'll be lucky if we aren't spit upon.

