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旧书的英文翻译 旧书英文怎幺说 旧书的英文例句




    second-hand book
    old book
    ancient book


    adj, adv 1 previously owned by sb else 二手(的)(曾属于他人的): a ,second-hand `car, `suit, `camera 二手的汽车、 套装、 照相机 * a ,second-hand `bookshop, ie a shop selling second-hand books 旧书店 * I rarely buy anything second-hand. 我很少买二水货.2 (of news, information, etc) obtained from others, not from personal experience, etc (指新闻、 资讯等)二手(的), 得自他人(的): ,second-hand `gossip 辗转听到的流言蜚语 * get news second-hand 间接得到的消息

book [buk]

    n.书,书籍,卷,篇,帐簿,名册,工作簿 v.登记,预订,控告

old [әuld]



我们在旧书店闲逛,看看各种英语书籍。We poked along in the secondhand bookstore booking at all kinds of english我在一家旧书店里偶然发现一珍本书。I lighted on a rare book in a secondhand bookshop.他们实际上会帮你找旧书。They'll actually hunt down old books for you.这个市场对于喜欢买旧书的人来说是个理想的猎场。This market is a wonderful hunting ground for people who like buying second-hand books.这是家旧书店。This is a second-hand bookstore.这是一本旧书。This is a secondhand book.ligo就是那张旧书页Ligo is the well-worn page.那边有一张他的可以捲缩顶盖的旧书桌。那是他的椅子。There's his old roll-top desk over there.and that is his chair.那是他几年前从一个廉价书摊上买来的一本旧书。It's a book he bought second-hand years ago off a sixpenny stall.他逛了一家旧书店。He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.他甚至通过从同一家旧书店买了另一本书而搞到一张两英镑的收据。He even got a receipt for the money by buying himself another book at the same secondhand shop.这儿有一些发霉的旧书。There are musty old books.珍妮不得不把她的旧书都扔掉。Jenny had to throw out all her old books.

