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    to weigh anchor

weigh [wei]

    vt.称...重量,称 vi.重(若干)

anchor [æŋkә(r)]

    n.锚 v.抛锚,锚定


起锚喽!Anchors aweigh!起锚吧!Let go your moorings!嗣后不久,哈伍德海军上将获悉“施佩”号在起锚了。Shortly afterwards admiral harwood learnt that the ship was weighing anchor.起锚的:在远离海底处垂悬,用于指锚。Aweigh: hanging clear of the bottom.used of an anchor.起锚声从现在开始就是我的圣歌Anchors aweigh will be my hymn from now on.水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan.我下令把刚刚起锚拉起的锁链再重新放回去。I ordered the chain which we had begun to heave in to be paid out again.用力举起锚準备航海。Heave up an anchor in preparation for sailing.一二操舵、起锚及系船设备。12. Steering anchoring and mooring equipment;


人力应急起锚试验 manual emergency anchoring test

单侧式起锚机 single end windlass

单缆起锚机 single-cable-lifter

大型起锚滑车 n. cat block

手动起锚机 handlass

抛起锚口令 anchoring orders

水下起锚 submerged anchor weighing

液压起锚机 hydraulic windlass

电动液压起锚机 electro-hydraulic windlass

电动起锚机 electric windlass

电动起锚绞盘 electric anchor capstan

蒸汽起锚机 steam windlass

起锚 weigh

起锚传令钟 n. mooring telegraph

起锚机 windlass, anchor windlass

起锚机控制器 windlass motor control box

起锚机控制箱 windlass control box

起锚柱 cat davit

起锚系泊组合机 combined windlass/mooring winch

起锚系缆绞盘 anchor capstan

起锚绞盘 anchor capstan

起锚绞车 anchor winch

起锚船 anchor barge; anchor hoy

起锚设备 anchor gear

