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切割的英文翻译 切割英文怎幺说 切割的英文例句




    to cut

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口


一个切割和雕刻珍贵宝石的技术工人。A skilled worker who cuts and engraves precious stones.最初的庙宇是岩石切割,后来发展了结构性建筑。Early temples were rock-cut later structural temples evolved.最新几代手动瓷砖切割机包括:tr,ts,tf,tx和tm系列。The latest generations of manual tile-cutters comprises the tr ts tf tx and tm series.


乙炔切割 n. acetylene gas cutting

乙炔切割器 acetylene cutter

乙炔气切割 n. acetylene gas cutting

二氧化碳镭射切割及雕刻机床 CO^2 laser cutting and carving machine tool

亚全玻璃体切割术 subtotal vitrectomy

低压切割器 low pressure type cutter

可擕式切割工具 portable cutting tool

充液切割机 charge cutter

光电控制切割机 photo electrically controlled cutting machine

光纤切割工具 fiber-cutting tool

冷锯切割机 cold saw-cutting-off machine

刀刃切割机 knife edge-cutting machine

切割 cutting

切割低平原 dissected low plain

切割作业 cutting operation

切割作用 cutting action

切割出 stamp out

切割刀 cutter knife

切割刀片刃磨机 cutter blade sharpening machine

切割区 cutting area

切割吹管 n. cutting torch

切割喷灯 n. cutting torch

切割器 n. torch,cutter

切割地 broken ground

切割地区 cross country; intersected country; rough country

切割处理 n. cutting process

切割天井 slot raise

切割定尺装置 cut-to-length device

切割射流 cutting jet

切割工作面 face preparation

