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启程的英文翻译 启程英文怎幺说 启程的英文例句




    to set out on a journey

set [set]

    v.放,置,移动到,使(人或事物处于某种状态),提出,树立,规定,调整;n.一套,一副,一批,接受机,装置,趋势,布景;adj.固定的,规定的,坚决的,固执的,事先做好的;Secure Electronics Transations Protocol,安全电子商务协定

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

journey [dʒә:ni]

    n.旅行,旅程 v.旅行


等到托洛美号启程前往西印度群岛和巴巴平海岸的时候,盖茨比也走了。And when the tuolomee left for the west indies and the barbary coast gatsby left too.他们在启程前用玉米喂马。They corned their horses before the journey.我们必须在黎明之时启程。We must leave at daylight.帝国声威号将马上启程驶往土伦。The empire renown will set sail for toulon at once.米兰-塞维利亚今天启程前往摩纳哥。Milan-the sevilla squad left for monaco.他们巴不得快点启程找一个离斯摩岛最近的地方划牛皮船上岛。They look forward to setting out early and go to simo island right away by yak skin boat.他想越早启程越好。He wanted to set out as soon as possible.已获签证,计画七月一日星期六启程。Visa obtain departure scheduled saturday july1st.在家庭教师协会的例会上;公共汽车按时启程。At a regular meeting of the pta; regular bus departures.这时,恩克鲁玛却已启程到共产党集团里去巡迴访问了。In the meantime nkrumah had set forth on a swing around the communist circuit.準备明早日出启程去tortuga岛。Readyto sail for tortuga tomorrow morning at sunrise.


初启程式 initiator

前台初启程式 foreground initiator

后台初启程式 background initiator

启程 get under sail; make sail; push off

启程港 port of shipment

启程统计 statistics on departure

慌忙启程 sail away

时潮启程 n. departure of the tidal hour

