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救的英文翻译 救英文怎幺说 救的英文例句



    to save
    to assist
    to rescue

save [seiv]

    vt.解救,保存,保全,保留,节省,储蓄 vi.挽救,节省,救球 prep.除...之外 n.救球

assist [ә'sist]



一只手錶救了哈乐德•克里克A wristwatch saved harold crick.与此同时,农村医疗救助制度开始实施。At the same time rural medical succor system is implemented.


不可挽救 past retrieve

不可救药 be beyond redemption; be past praying for; be past redemption

不可救药的 past praying for

不可救药的人 gone case; gone coon

不可补救 beyond retrieve

不能依法补救的损害 damnum adsque injuria

不能补救的 beyond retrieval

专业救助 specialized salvage service

个人救生设备 personal life saving appliance

个人求救定位器 personal distress locator

个人求救装置 personal distress device

个别救济 individual relief

中国海事仲裁委员会救助契约标準格式 standard form for salvage contracts prepared by the China Maritime Arbitration Commission

中国海难救助打捞公司 China Salvage Company

临时或不定期接受救济金的贫民 casual poors

临时补救维修 remedial maintenance

买方违反合同的补救措施 remedies for breach of contract by the buyer

争救车 crash truck; crash wagon

事故救援 accident rescue

互助救济保险 fraternal insurance

互援救火社 mutal fire society

人员救援信标 personal rescue locator

人命救助 life salvage

人命救助者 salvor of human life; salvor of life

人道主义救助 humanitarian assistance

从...中援救 rescue from

从...中救出 save from

从...中营救 rescue from

从...抢救 salvage from

从罪恶的渊薮中被救出的人 brand from the burning

