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起步的英文翻译 起步英文怎幺说 起步的英文例句




    to set out
    to set in motion
    the start (of some activity)

set [set]

    v.放,置,移动到,使(人或事物处于某种状态),提出,树立,规定,调整;n.一套,一副,一批,接受机,装置,趋势,布景;adj.固定的,规定的,坚决的,固执的,事先做好的;Secure Electronics Transations Protocol,安全电子商务协定

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

motion [mәuʃ(ә)n]

    n.运动,动作 v.运动

start [sta:t]

    n.动身,出发点,开始,惊起,惊跳,赛跑的先跑权,优先地位 v.出发,起程,开始,着手,惊动,惊起,起动,发动 削减战略武器条约START(Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)


排在你队友后面起步也如此鼓舞人心吗?Q: starting behind your team-mate is that also encouraging?如果车辆正对上坡的方向并且使用了一个前进档,则起步辅助系统处于启用状态。The drive-off assistant is active if the vehicle is facing uphill with a forward gear engaged.泰格•伍兹属于起步较早者。Tiger woods was among the early starters.为什幺非要这样起步?Why do they have to start like that?在一起步行的一队人。A procession of people walking together.这计画是以小规模起步的。The project was first built on a small scale.这项技术将会成为连接起步兵部队与炮兵部队的纽带。This technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery.


使他们起步 put on their feet

使他起步 put on his feet

使你们起步 put on your feet

使她起步 put on her feet

使我们起步 put on our feet

使我起步 put on my feet

起步 gotten off the mark

起步演算法 starting algorithm

起步阻力 breakaway force

