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咎的英文翻译 咎英文怎幺说 咎的英文例句



    to blame
    to punish

fault [fɔ:lt]

    n.过错,缺点,故障,毛病 vt.挑剔 vi.弄错

blame [bleim]

    n.过失,责备 vt.责备,谴责


这次政治僵局应归咎于政府。The government was blamed for the political deadlock.罪过可归咎于他。The crime is chargeable on him.咎其原因,据说就是每天都吃枸杞子。It says that it was because that she ate chinese wolfberry medlar every day.她把她的国家的经济崩溃归咎于四十年的苛政。She blames her country's economic collapse on forty years of misrule.我认为他是无意把事情归咎与我的。I think that unconsciously he blames me for what happened.一位女发言人将骚乱归咎与公司与它的顾客之间的误解。A spokeswoman blamed the confusion on miscommunication between the company and its customers.


不咎既往 not go into past misdeeds

即往不咎 wipe the slate clean

咎 blame; fault

咎由自取 bring trouble to oneself; have only oneself to blame; de son tort

将...归咎于 tag with

引咎辞职 take the blame and resign

归咎 laid the blame on; lay the blame on

归咎于 accredit with; blame for; chalk up to; charge to; impute to; put someone in the wrong

归咎的 imputative

既往不咎 let bygones be bygones

