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nine [nain]



一九七一年四月二日清晨,飞机驾驶员都在待命室接受飞行任务。It was on the early morning of april21971.the pilots were briefed in the ready room.一违反第九条规定,经营未经核准之业务项目者。1.violate The article9to run the unapproved business.


一万九千 nineteen thousand

一九七一年特殊业务客船协定 Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement 1971

一九六六处国际载重线公约 International Convention on Load Line 1966

一0五九 demeton

三九一一 Rampart Thimet

三九一一 Rampart Thimet

三九胃泰沖剂 wei-tai"999"granular

三九胃泰胶囊 wei-tai"999"capsule

三公九卿制 system of three councillors of state and nine cabinet ministers in the Qin and Han dynasties.

三十九烷 nonatriacontane

三直九表徵码 thirty-nine feature code

中国九分法 Chinese rule of Nine

中国第九个五年计划 the Ninth Five-Year Plan of China

九 nine

九三学社 Jiusan Society

九二0 Pro-Gibb Pro-Gibb plus Activol

九二0 Pro-Gibb Pro-Gibb plus Activol

九五扣 five percent off

九佛堂组 Jiufutang Formation

九八牌汽车 Ninety-Eight

九八牌汽车 Ninety-Eight

九分之一 ninth

九分散 nine fen powder

九分法 rule of Nine

九十几 the nineties

九十多度 the nineties

九十度弧吊艇杆 n. quadrant davit

九卿 nine heads of central government departments in feudal China

九卿议刑 deliberations on judgment of major cases by nine heads of central government departments in feudal China

九品中正 appointed "zhongzheng"; or gentlemen and officials who were responsible to recommend candidates for feudal officials of nine grades

