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桥墩的英文翻译 桥墩英文怎幺说 桥墩的英文例句




    pier;bridge pier;interior bridge support;buttresses

pier [piә(r)]


bridge [bridʒ]

    n.桥,船桥,鼻樑,桥牌 vt.架桥,渡过;桥接器

interior [in'tiәriә(r)]

    adj.内部的,内的 n.内部


这一反力使浮冰上升到桥墩尖端,并形成弯曲裂纹而遭破坏。This reaction causes the floe to rise up the pier nose as flexural cracks form.表示水流压力的桥墩平面图Plan view of pier showing stream flow pressure.对柱的排架的剪力求和,以确定桥墩剪力的最大值。Sum the column shears of the bent to determine the maximum shear force for the pier.卡培古直布罗陀。卡培是地中海入口处海格立斯桥的桥墩之一Ancient gibraltar.calpe was one of the pillars of hercules at the entrance to the mediterranean sea.桥墩设计用的漂浮木排Debris raft for pier design.桥墩养护后,须将预製混凝土或钢樑至于桥墩之间。After piers are cured precast concrete or steel girders will be placed between the piers.


丫形桥墩 Y-shaped pier

单柱式桥墩 single-columned pier, single shaft pier

双柱式桥墩 two-columned pier, two shaft pier

圆形桥墩 circular pier

圆端形桥墩 round-ended pier

实体桥墩 solid pier

拼装式桥墩 assembly pier,pier constructed with precast units

排架式桥墩 pile bent pier

斜面桥墩 batter pier

木笼桥墩 crib pier

柔性桥墩 flexible pier

柱式桥墩 column pier, shaft pier

桥墩 abutment

桥墩分水尖 pier break-water

桥墩基础 pier base

桥墩定位 location of pier在桥樑施工时把设计桥樑的墩、台的中心位置标定于实地的测量工作。

桥墩尖端分水桩 starling

桥墩局部沖刷 local scour around pier

矩形桥墩 rectangular pier

空心桥墩 hollow pier

重力式桥墩 gravity pier

锥形变截面桥墩 batter pier

