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敲钟的英文翻译 敲钟英文怎幺说 敲钟的英文例句



[qiāo zhōng]

    to beat a drum

beat [bi:t]

    n.敲打,拍子,巡逻区域 v.打,打败

drum [drʌm]

    n.鼓,鼓声,鼓形圆桶,[解]鼓膜,鼓室 vi.击鼓,作鼓声 vt.打鼓奏


是敲钟人换班的时候了。It is time for the ringers to change off.你,敲钟人,在下麵干什幺?You! Bell ringer! What are you doing down here?敲钟人,你在哪啊?Where are you bell ringer?敲钟装置:敲一只或一组钟来发出音乐声的一种装置。Chime: an apparatus for striking a bell or set of bells to produce a musical sound.他是圣母院的敲钟人!It's the bell ringer from notre dame!詹姆士•波勒,火车站管理员,敲钟人……James ballard stationmaster and bell-ringer...住这一个神秘的敲钟人Lives the mysterious bell ringer.火光照耀的村子已夺走了警钟,赶走了法定敲钟人,自己欢乐地敲了起来。The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin and abolishing the lawful ringer rang for joy.教区牧师有两个女儿,有时她们也管管敲钟的事儿。The parson had two daughters who did a bit of ringing.我的好朋友,请你走到树底下,叫那看教堂的人敲钟吧。Go my good friend to the foot of the tree and call the sacristan to toll the bell.


为...敲钟 toll for

敲钟 rang the bell; ring the bell; rung the bell

敲钟送走旧岁 reng out the old year

