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乔治亚的英文翻译 乔治亚英文怎幺说 乔治亚的英文例句



[qiáo zhì yà]

    Georgia (country)

georgia [dʒɔ:dʒjә]


country [kʌntri]

    n.国家,国土,[总称]国民,乡村,故乡 adj.乡下的,乡村的,[方]祖国的,故乡的


还让自由之声从乔治亚州的石峰上响起吧!Let freedom ring from the stone mountain of georgia!婚礼并非在谢克海茨或乔治亚举行The wedding was not in shaker heights or in georgia but两张中了美国超级百万乐透抽奖的奖券在新泽西州和乔治亚州售出。Two winning tickets for the mega millions lottery drawing were sold in new jersey and georgia.明天中午你们应该在乔治亚劳改农场Tomorrow morning you're going to the georgia work farm.乔治亚大道,布鲁德尔•阿彻扮成拿索海盗的样子进行表演。Brudnell archer performs with the pirates of nassau on georgia avenue.乔治亚以前是苏联的成员国Georgia former soviet union.以色列施洗约翰教堂唱诗班,蒙地卡罗,乔治亚州。The beulah baptist gospel choir monte carlo georgia.在第四次战术巡逻中,小鲨鱼号出新乔治亚和所罗门群岛,击沉了3艘货船。During her fourth war patrol gato torpedoed and sank3cargo ships off new georgia solomon islands.在南达科他和乔治亚州之间的半路上,一定有一个我们可以碰头的湖或旅游客栈。There must be some lake or lodge halfway between south dakota and georgia where we could meet.在新泽西州和乔治亚州,两张百万抽奖券已经售出。Two winning tickets for mega millions lottery drawing were sold in new jersey and georgia.


乔治亚改良棉 East Improved Georgia cotton

乔治亚改良棉 East Improved Georgia cotton

乔治亚绉 Georgia crepe

乔治亚绉 Georgia crepe

