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铅字的英文翻译 铅字英文怎幺说 铅字的英文例句




    type (print)

type [taip]

    n.类型,典型,模範,[印刷]活字,铅字 v.打字,测定(血等)类型

print [print]

    n.版,印刷物,印迹,印章,印刷业,照片 v.印刷,出版,印于,用印刷体写 [计]列印


热式字:铸造的活字和整行的铅字条,有别于冷式字。Hot type: foundry type and linecaster slugs as opposed to cold type.手墨辘:压印铅字稿样时,用手推加墨的小墨辘。Brayer: small hand roller for applying ink to type when proofing.压印铅字稿样时,用手推加墨的小墨辘。Brayer small hand roller for applying ink to type when proofing.用铅字排版和印刷的手艺。The craft of composing type and printing from it.铸造的活字和整行的铅字条,有别于冷式字。Hot type foundry type and linecaster slugs as opposed to cold type.一页排好了的铅字A made-up page of type.用活铅字印刷的材料作品The composition of printed material from movable type.用于留声机、铅字或其他浮雕的表面。Used in the production of phonograph records type or other relief surface.在印刷技术中,铅字的印刷表面;或指特别设计的铅字,称铅字面。In printing the printing surface of type; or the design of a particular type hence typeface.


全部铅字 typeface

准铅字品质 near-letter quality

打字机上装有铅字的连动杆 typebar

用铅字印刷 in cold print

装有铅字的连动杆 typebar

铅字 type

铅字印出的字样 typeface

铅字合金 type metal

铅字字体 type form

铅字排字表 type list order

铅字用铅 stereotype metal; stereotypemetal

铅字盘 typecase

铅字品质 letter quality

铅字铸模纸 stereo type paper

铅字面 typeface

