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击球的英文翻译 击球英文怎幺说 击球的英文例句




    to bat
    to hit a ball (sport)

bat [bæt]

    n.蝙蝠,球棒 v.用球棒击球 [计] 批次档的副档名 [军] Basic Armor Training,装甲兵基础训练

hit [hit]

    n.打击,打,碰撞,讽刺,(演出等)成功 vt.打,打击,碰撞,击中,袭击,偶然发现,伤...的感情,找到 vi.打,打中,打击,碰撞,偶然碰上

ball [bɔ:l]


sport [spɔ:t]

    n.运动,[pl.] 运动会


那个白癡击球手,近点击球是他的弱点The batter sucks! Inside is his weak point.那三柱门守员员接住了球而迫使三个击球员退场。Three of the batsmen were caught out by the wicket-keeper.你将通过步伐的準备学会自发性击球!You will develop spontaneity through preparation!你们击球的时候就像海伦凯乐进了厨房You guys swing like helen keller at a pi? Ata party.你需要练习轻击球。You need to practise putting the ball.他用反手截击球。He played a back hand volley.他在美国高尔夫公开赛中夺魁,四场中每场击球都少于70杆。He won the us open championship with four rounds each under70.我发现4步可以赶上大部分的落地球。更多的步子时你就是在奔跑中击球了。I've found that4steps reaches most groundstroke situations.more steps and you're hitting on-the-run.吸收了松树焦油的布;使击球手更坚固的用于棒球的把柄上。A rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip.现在从投手板左侧击球的是Now batting from the left side of the plate现在赛勒姆皮队的击球手是Now batting for the salem buffs...右曲球是一种带有相当于顺时钟旋转导致剧烈向右弯曲的击球。A slice is a curving shot from left to right with severe sidespin.


击球使跑垒员得分 driven in; drove in

击球手套 batting glove

向...打出高击球 lob at

正在击球 at bat

轮到击球 at bat

