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前年的英文翻译 前年英文怎幺说 前年的英文例句




    the year before last

year [jiә(r)]


before [bi'fɔ:(r)]

    adv.在前,以前 prep.在...之前 conj.在...之前,与其...宁可

last [la:st; (-) læst]

    adj.最后的,临终的,末尾的,最近的,结论性的 vi.持续,支持,维持 vt.使维持,楦 adv.最后,后来 n.最后,末尾,临终,鞋楦头


前年耶诞节过后我一直没见过他。I haven't seen him since the Christmas before last.古代在义大利从罗马向南延伸至布林迪斯的罗马大路;开始于西元前年。An ancient roman road in italy extending south from rome to brindisi; begun in312bc.古罗马用的阴曆,于西元前年被儒略曆(西曆)取代。The lunar calender in use in ancient rome; replaced by the julian calendar in46bc.位于波提亚的希腊古城,在西元前年被亚历山大严重毁坏。An ancient greek city in boeotia destroyed by alexander the great in336bc.小于1,则从当前年份中减去该值。Is less than1 it is subtracted from the current year.前年冬季他患了肋膜炎。He had pleurisy the winter before last.


以前年度 prior year; previous year

以前年度收益更正 correction of prior years'' earnings

以前年度收益调整 adjustment of earnings of prior periods

以前年度盈余 surplus in preceeding fiscal year

以前年度税款 prior years'' tax levies

以前年度调整专案 prior year''s adjustment items

前年 the year before last

前年收益更正 correction of prior year''s earnings

学前年龄 preschool age

拨付以前年度的拨款授权款 payment of prior-year obligations

退还以前年度税款 refund retroactive to the past taxable years

