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进退的英文翻译 进退英文怎幺说 进退的英文例句




    to advance or retreat
    knowing when to come and when to leave
    a sense of propriety

advance [әd'va:ns; (-) әd'væns]

    n.前进,提升,预付款 v.前进,提前,预付 adj.前面的,预先的 预付(款项)

retreat [ri'tri:t]

    vi.撤退,退却 n.撤退,退却

knowing [nәuiŋ]


come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为

leave [li:v]

    n.许可,同意,请假,休假 vt.离开,动身,剩下,遗忘,委託,遗弃 vi.出发,离开,生叶,动身


现今由于社会的变化而感到自身进退两难的家长们。The dilemma that parents lind themselves in today as a consequence of changes in society.糟糕的天气使我们进退两难The bad weather put us in a dilemma.这使我们感到进退两难。This presented us with a dilemma.进退两难:处于两个都不能接受的选择之间。Between the devil and the deep blue sea between two equally unacceptable choices.他身陷进退维谷之境,因此下不了决心。He couldn't make up his mind for he was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.他在魔鬼与深海之间。他进退两难、进退维谷、进退不得。He is between the devil and the deep sea.在处理那个问题上,他们进退两难。In solving that problem they are between the devil and the deep sea.


使...陷入进退两难 get a hank on; get a hank upon

使...陷入进退两难之地 get a hank upon

处于进退两难的境地 in a cleft stick

进退两难 on the horns of a dilemma; stood at bay

进退机构 driving and reversing mechanism

进退构造 back and forth construction

进退标準函数 further standard function

进退维谷 on the horns of a dilemma; with back against the wall; with back to the wall

