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尽头的英文翻译 尽头英文怎幺说 尽头的英文例句




    the very end

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

end [end]

    n.末端,尽头,结束,目标,限度,梢,末端,死亡 v.结束,终结,终止


你到看到尽头幺?Could you see the end?他告诉我们每一个彩虹的尽头都一罐金子…He told us there was a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow...他总是在彩虹的尽头雕刻金罐子He's always chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.它有很长的石墙,北边的尽头有棵橡树。It's got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end.她丈夫的绿色小车正从街道尽头的停车处往外开。Her husband's green car was pulling away from the stop-light at the end of the street.我得穿过走廊到最尽头的门那儿。I had to pass down the corridor to the door at the far end.我会和你在索普大街的尽头碰头。I'll meet you at the top of thorpe street.我们走到这条路的尽头。We walked to the bottom of the road.现在他们已经快走到走廊的尽头了,尽头是一间大休息室。They were now near the end where the corridor opened into the large general parlour.在坡道尽头向左转?Left at the end of the ramp?在西面尽头的地方,有高起来的讲坛。At the west end there was a raised platform.


到...尽头 at the end of

尽头 impasse

尽头信号机 signal for stub-end track

尽头式井底车场 end on shaft station

尽头式客运站 stub-end passenger station

尽头式货场 stub-end type freight yard

尽头式货运站 stub-end freight station

尽头站 dead terminal; dead-end station

尽头管 dead-end main

尽头线 stub-end siding

尽头街道 dead end street

尽头路 blind pass

无尽头的危机 open ended crisis

达到尽头 came to a dead end; come to a dead end

