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今天的英文翻译 今天英文怎幺说 今天的英文例句




    at the present

today [tә'dei]

    adv.今天,现今 n.今天,现今

present [prez(ә)nt]

    n.赠品,礼物,现在,瞄準 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 vt.介绍,引见,给,赠送,上演,提出,呈现 vi.举枪瞄準

now [nau]

    adv.现在,目前,此刻,立刻,马上 n.现在,如今 conj.既然


98、今天的兑换率是多少?Could you tell me today's rate of exchange?cbl今天召开了密会,thapar…A secret meeting of the cbl was held today thapar...deeds,我今天喉咙发炎没法上班了Deeds I can't come to work today. I think I got strep throat.j。thomson研製出世界上第一台质谱装置到今天已经有了90余年的历史。It has been already about90years from the first mass spectrograph invented by jj.t你觉得modena今天会赢吗?Think modena will win today?一封由儿位议员签名的给首相的公开信登在今天的报纸上。An open letter to the prime minister signed by several mps appeared in today's papers.一条高压脊今天下午将会给东北部带来好天气。A ridge of high pressure will bring good weather to the north east this afternoon.


上星期的今天 today week

上月今天 this day month

上月的今天 this day month

下星期的今天 today week

下月今天 this day month

今天 this day

今天起生效 take effect as from this day''s date

从今天起 from this day forth; from today; from today on

到今天 to this day

在今天 at the present day

在今天这个时代 in the day and age

在相隔很远的今天 at this distance of time

