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枪口的英文翻译 枪口英文怎幺说 枪口的英文例句




    muzzle of a gun
    at gunpoint

muzzle [mʌz(ә)l]

    n.动物之鼻口,(动物的)口套,钳制言论的手段,枪口,喷嘴 vt.戴口络于,上口罩

gun [gʌn]

    n.炮,枪,手枪,油门 vi.用枪射击,用枪打猎,加大油门快速前进 vt.向...开枪,开大(引擎、汽车)的油门

gunpoint [gʌnpɔint]



老式短枪有大口径和引人注目的枪口的短枪,以前用于近距离散射A short musket of wide bore and flaring muzzle formerly used to scatter shot at close range.人质处于枪口的威胁之下。The hostages were held at gunpoint.他把枪管放在洞里枪口朝外。He placed his guns in the cave pointing outwards.他用枪口对着那三个人。He held the three men at gunpoint.他在枪口威胁下被绑架了。He was abducted at gunpoint.夜间值班人员在枪口的威逼下被强姦了。The night clerk was raped at gunpoint.这些公司不是那种外国雇佣军,为了冰冷的金钱而空降到热点地区,枪口喷射着火焰。These aren't the mercenaries who parachute into hot spots guns blazing for cold cash.这一家人整夜都处于枪口的威逼之下。The family were held at gunpoint overnight.m16的枪口初速是多少?... Can you tell me the muzzle velocity of an m-16?当我拿起一根枪在手里的时候,对一只山鸡来说,最安全的地点是和枪口相反的那边。When I take a gun in hand the safest place for a pheasant is just opposite the muzzle.你横握手枪,利用枪口的跳动来水準横扫,这一手真是令人印象深刻。You held it sideways and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep; that was impressive.你看见外面枪口的火花了?You see muzzle flash out there?子弹离开枪口射弹的速度。The velocity of a projectile as it leaves the muzzle of a gun.


射流的枪口流速 nozzle velocity of jet stream

枪口压印痕 impression of muzzle

