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强力的英文翻译 强力英文怎幺说 强力的英文例句





powerful [pauәful]



一种强力的化学炸药,能产生大量气体。A powerful chemical explosive that produces gas at a high rate.一种强力的氧化剂,形成高氯酸盐。A powerful oxidizing agent; forms perchlorates.因为爆发或其它强力而脱落。Come off due to an explosion or other strong force.这个登山运动员开始强力呼吸。The mountain climber started to hyperventilate.这是强力的男士生殖系统调理配方。A strong tonic for the male reproductive system.制服以较强力量征服或打败;压制To overcome or vanquish by superior force; subdue.


中强力 medium tenacity

优级纳科高强力粘胶长丝 Super Narco

优级纳科高强力粘胶长丝 Super Narco

单纱强力伸长试验机 single-end strength and elongation tester

单纱强力试验机 single-strand strength tester single strand tester single yarn tester

单舌法撕破强力试验方法 tearing strength by tongue method

卜氏纤维强力检验仪 Pressley tester

多功能强力电磁吸盘 multi-function and power force electromagnetic chuck

席纹狭条高强力织物 asylum cord

席纹狭条高强力织物 asylum cord

弯曲强力 n. bending strength

强力 brute force; high power

强力丝锥 force tap strength tap

强力丸 strengthening pill

强力制止 put the arm on

强力台式钻床 strong bench drilling machine

强力吸盘 strong chuck

强力地板胶 stiffness substrate glue

强力型弹簧夹头 power collet chuck

强力安喘通胶囊 asmeton"strong "C capsule

强力应用 forceful application

强力扩声器 stentorphone

强力扬声器 loudhailer

强力本色亚麻布 toile de halle

强力本色亚麻布 toile de halle

强力机用丝锥 heavy-duty machine tap

强力浴皂 powerful soap

强力玻璃 double dtrength glass

强力甲板 strength deck

强力电机 powerful machine

