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强调的英文翻译 强调英文怎幺说 强调的英文例句




    to emphasize (a statement)
    to stress

emphasize [emfәsaiz]

    vt.强调,着重 v.强调

statement [steitmәnt]


stress [stres]

    n.重压,逼迫,压力,重点,着重,强调,重音 vt.着重,强调,重读


为如尼字母词专案强调资讯添加卑劣专案类型。Added base item type to highlight info for rune word items.在政治经济学方面,强调两点就足够了。On political economy it will suffice to highlight twothings.只能强调它无望的处境... Only underscore the hopelessness of its plight.


人们不强调 it be not emphasized that; it be not stressed that; it can not be emphasized that; it can not be stressed that; it may not be emphasized that; it may not be stressed that; it must not be emphasized that; it must not be stressed that

人们强调说 it be emphasized that; it be stressed that; it can be emphasized that; it can be stressed that; it may be emphasized that; it may be stressed that; it must be emphasized that; it must be stressed that; it should be emphasized that

光强调製 intensity modulation, IM

反复强调 drum in

反复强调使人接受 drum into

强调 emphasis; emphasizing; insist upon; laid emphasis upon; laid stress on; laid stress upon; laid weight on; laies stress on; lay emphasis on; lay emphasis up on; lay stress on; made a point that; make a point that; maken a point that; place stress on

强调...的重要性 urge the importance of

强调出 point up

强调地说 speak in capitals; spoke in capitals

强调顾客利益推销法 benefit method of selling

必须强调 it must be stressed that

过分强调...和重要性 make a federal case out of

过分强调...的重要性 made a federal case out of; make a federal case out of

