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金矿的英文翻译 金矿英文怎幺说 金矿的英文例句




    gold mine
    gold ore

gold [gәuld]

    n.黄金,金币 adj.金的,金制的

mine [main]

    n.矿,矿山,矿井,源泉,宝库,地雷,水雷 vt.挖掘,开採,在...布雷,破坏 vi.开矿,埋设地雷 pron.我的

ore [ɔ:(r)]



一段可开採的金矿脉A minable seam of gold.在那些山里有一些富金矿。There are rich deposits of gold in those hills.摘要华北地块北缘金矿资源十分丰富。The northern border of north china massif is an important sector of goldfields in china.这家公司在那地区勘探金矿。The company are prospecting for gold in that area.


中国五金矿产进出口总公司 China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation

五金矿产售货合同 contract for sales of metals ore

五金矿产馆 hall of metals and minerals

冶金矿产原料 metallurgical mineral raw materials

卡林型金矿床 Carlin-type gold deposit

含金矿土 paid dirt; pay dirt

四方铜金矿 tetraauricupride

複烯金矿 polycrasite

複稀金矿 polycrase

碲金矿 calaverite

金矿 gold mine

金矿股票 gold shares; gold issue

针碲金矿 sylvanite

钽稀金矿 tanteuxenite

银金矿 electrum

阿散蒂金矿公司 Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Ltd.

黑稀金矿 lyndochite

黑色冶金矿山企业管理 enterprise management of ferrous metallurgical mines

黑色冶金矿山安全和防尘 safety and protection against dust in ferrous metallurgical mines

