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进军的英文翻译 进军英文怎幺说 进军的英文例句




    to march
    to advance

march [ma:tʃ]

    n.行军,步伐,进行曲 vi.进军,前进 vt.使行军,使行进 n.(March)三月(略作Mar)

advance [әd'va:ns; (-) әd'væns]

    n.前进,提升,预付款 v.前进,提前,预付 adj.前面的,预先的 预付(款项)


大胆地向餐饮业进军使他一举成名。The boldness of his approach to the restaurant business led to his sudden rise to fame.房产业这块蛋糕很吸引?白酒大鳄进军商业地产!Housing industry this cake very attractive? White spirit predators into commercial real estate!钢铁之龙正在向你微不足道的防御进军。The iron dragon marches to your punny defences.建在瑟伯的公司进军石油业并取得成功。The company that built thurber struck oil and prospered.欧盟进军植物油和油脂特製品产业In vegetable oil and specialty fat production.然后继续向海王星进军。Then it continued on toward neptune.为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。It has paved the way for the paraguayan team marching to france.我们将要进军,绕过山塔•安拿的军队We will march out circumventing santa anna's army向义大利的进军开始了。The march to italy was begun.


向...进军 march on; march upon

向生产的深度和广度进军 advance production both intensively and extensively; tackle production more intensively and extensively; growth of production both in breadth and in depth

朝...进军 march against

