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枪托的英文翻译 枪托英文怎幺说 枪托的英文例句



[qiāng tuō]

    butt of a gun

butt [bʌt]

    n.粗大的一端,靶垛,笑柄 v.以头抵撞,碰撞

gun [gʌn]

    n.炮,枪,手枪,油门 vi.用枪射击,用枪打猎,加大油门快速前进 vt.向...开枪,开大(引擎、汽车)的油门

stock [stɔk]

    n.树干,库存,股票,股份,託盘,祖先,血统,原料 adj.股票的,普通的,常备的,存货的,繁殖用的 vt.装把手于,进货,备有,放牧 vi.出新芽,採购


固定枪托一种圆形拱起,常为透明的结构,如某些飞机上用于观察或展示和保护包裹物品A rounded他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun.士兵用枪托打(死了)他。The soldiers clubbed him (to death) with their rifles.枪托和坐山滑雪铵。Gunstock ski and ride mountain in nh.枪托是新英格兰越野时也最好。Gunstock is new england cross country at it s best.枪托折轴弹簧生锈,二等兵狗屎Rust on the butt plate hinge spring private bullshit.士兵用枪托打他。The soldiers clubbed him with their rifles.他们用枪托打他。They clubbed him with their rifles.他头部被步枪枪托打了。He was hit over the head with a rifle butt.唐木家俱﹐高级橱柜材﹐室内装黄材﹐地板﹐枪托料﹐可代胡桃木。Furniture cabinets interior flooring gunstocks and substiute for black walnut.…像个转着枪托的验光师... Rolling with a gun-toting optometrist.枪托有滑门,向上推可取出铜管装的擦枪工具。There is a sliding door at the butt plate.push up reveal a copper tube containing cleaning tools.他把枪托往船板上一顿,表现出一副鄙夷不屑的样子。He struck the butt of his rifle on the bottom of the scow with a species of defiance.用枪托袭击一位老妇人At a stickup near leimert park tuesday morning.


枪托 gun stock

