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强光的英文翻译 强光英文怎幺说 强光的英文例句



[qiáng guāng]


glare [gleә(r)]

    n.眩目的光,显眼,怒目而视,(冰等的表面)光滑的表面 v.闪耀


墨镜有效地阻隔强光保护眼睛。Dark glasses is an effective shield against the glare.使目眩使人眩惑,如因强光To dazzle as with strong light.现在你需要把强光部分画出来。You need to put the highlight in now.夜间放置扶梯、桥板时,应当用强光照射;At night the accommodation ladder and the gang board must be illuminated by strong searchlight;光中毒的加强光的有毒反应影响的,或引起光的有毒反应的,尤指紫外线的光线Enhancing the effects of or inducing a toxic reaction to light especially to ultraviolet light.强光下瞳孔不由自主的缩小参见Automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eyes in strong light.see synonyms at spontaneous我被那越来越接近的车头灯的刺眼强光弄得头晕目眩。I was dazzled by the glare of the oncoming headlights.我们可用强光部分作为曝光标準而捨弃阴影部分。We expose for the highlights and let the shadow areas fall where they might.


卤素充电式强光源检眼镜 halogen rechargeable ophthalmoscope

强光 hard light

强光区域 highlight area

强光雷射器 high light laser

强光灯 accent light

强光照明 flood lighting; high key lighting

强光物镜 high-power objective

强光聚光灯 high power projector lamp

强光蓝变星 luminous blue variable, LBV光度特大的不稳定热超巨星,绝对热星等一般超过-9等,亮度变化不规则,光谱中有许多伴有紫移吸收成分的氢、氦和铁的发射线,有气壳抛射,典型的品质损失率为10 —10 太阳品质/年。

强光透镜 fast lens

强光部分 high light

照相强光灯 photoflood lamp; photoflood light

