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警钟的英文翻译 警钟英文怎幺说 警钟的英文例句




    alarm bell

alarm [ә'la:m]

    n.警报,惊慌,警告器 vt.恐吓,警告

bell [bel]



火警钟声把我从睡梦中惊醒。I was awakened from my sleep by a fire bell.他当当敲击火警钟。He clanged the fire bell.他们可按动三个遇劫警钟They hit three hold-up alarm systems.夜盗警钟发出的响亮的警报信号。A loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm.这个名字在她的脑海中敲响了警钟。The name rang alarm bells in her mind.这一个声音在听者耳中所产生的效力,简直比丧钟或警钟更为厉害。Never did funeral knell never did alarm-bell produce a greater effect on the hearer.但是1994年雷诺兹导演,科斯特纳製作的《复活岛》惨遭失败时,不是已敲起了警钟吗?But didn't alarm bells ring when the reynolds-directed costner-produced rapa nui bombed in1994?火光照耀的村子已夺走了警钟,赶走了法定敲钟人,自己欢乐地敲了起来。The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin and abolishing the lawful ringer rang for joy.教堂塔尖上传来的警钟声;A tocsin ringing from church steeples;警钟紧急地敲着,却没有别的救援出现。The tocsin rang impatiently but other help there was none.警钟紧急地敲着,却没有别的救援出现即使有,也没有来。The tocsin rang impatiently but other help if that were any there was none.


带信号灯警钟 gong with a pilot lamp

敲警钟 rang the bells backwards; ring bells backward; ring the bells backwards; rung the bells backwards; sound the alarm

温度报警钟 temperature alarm

警钟 tocsin

警钟座 bell stand

警钟浮标 bell buoy

警钟锤 clapper

