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敬意的英文翻译 敬意英文怎幺说 敬意的英文例句





respect [ri'spekt]

    n.尊敬,敬重,注意,考虑,尊重,关係,有关,敬意 vt.尊敬,尊重,不防碍

tribute [tribju:t]



为纪念逝者,请接受我由衷的敬意。Please accept my warm tribute to memory of deceased.我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤,算厨师的一点敬意。I can offer you some oyster soup compliments of the chef.我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤,算是厨师的一点敬意。I can offer you some free oyster soup compliments of the chef.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意We called to pay our respects.我向你们致以无产阶级的敬意I give you my proletarian salute.我愿借此机会公开各他表示敬意。I want to take this opportunity to pay a public tribute to him.迎接他的人群,以火神的敬意。He greeted the crowd with a vulcan salute.在今年的圣塞瓦斯蒂安电影节,人们不断地向泽费雷里表示敬意。This year the san sebastian film festival has been paying homage to zeffirelli.这一庆祝活动演变成向“圣母教堂”表示敬意的节日,The celebration changed to honor the" mother church"


以表敬意 as a mark of esteem

向...表示敬意 in honour of; paid homage to; pay homage to; take off her hat to; take off his hat to; take off my hat to; take off one''s hat to; take off our hat to; take off their hat to; take off your hat to

对...致敬意 do honour to

拜访...以示敬意 paid his respects to; paid my respects to

拜访以示敬意 paid her respects to; paid our respects to; paid their respects to; paid your respects to; pay her respect to; pay his respect to; pay my respect to; pay our respects to; pay their respects to; pay your respects to

敬意 homage

表示敬意 made a compliment

降旗后旋即升起以示敬意 dip the flag; dipped the flag

