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精通的英文翻译 精通英文怎幺说 精通的英文例句





proficient [prә'fiʃәnt]



三、精通英文+卓越才干3.mastery Of english+ extraordinary talent她精通于缝纫工作。She is accomplished in sewing.特别是因为饮食过度而对享乐非常老练的;精通世故的。Very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world.我不算特别精通音乐,但我的钢琴弹得还可以。I'm not particularly musical but I play the piano passably.玄学家专攻玄学或精通玄学的人One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.雅典卫城显示了希腊人对数学的精通以及对几何学的推崇。The acropolis shows a maturity of greek mathematics and also an appreciation of geometrical ideas.要熟读法律要做金融上的专家要精通银行的业务和税务。Be legally adept be a monitory competent with taxes and banking.这些都是化学过程的单元操作,化学工程师很精通。These are chemical processes and unit operations which chemical engineers can help with.中世纪大学的学者;精通经院哲学的教授。A scholar in one of the universities of the middle ages; versed in scholasticism.


使自己精通 familiarize oneself with

我精通法律的同行 my learned friend; my learned brother

精通 am at home in; are at home in; get the mastery of; is at home in; made himself master of; master ship; was at home in; were at home in

精通...的 skilled at

精通业务和技术 be proficient in professional and technical work

精通于 have a good command of

精通判例的律师 case lawyer

精通法学 learned in the law; jurisprudent

精通的 perfect

精通英语 master english

精通这类业务 versed in this line of business

