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前移的英文翻译 前移英文怎幺说 前移的英文例句



[qián yí]

    forward lead

forward [fɔ:wәd]

    adj.早的,迅速的,前进的 vt.转寄,促进,运送 adv.向前地,向将来 n.[体](足球等)前锋

lead [li:d]

    vt.领导,引导,致使 vi.领导,(道路等)通向,导致,用水砣测深 n.领导,领先,导线,铅,(自船上测海水深度的)铅陲,石墨,铅笔芯


你父母多久以前移居外国的?How long ago did your parents emigrate?你能把车座向前移动吗。Can you move the car seat forward?绕转之前移动方向为自北向南,沿圆周的切线运动。The movement can be classified as along an exact circle with a constant speed.随着传送带向前移动,鲜血喷射出来了。Blood spurted as the conveyer belt moved on.向前移动或象在跳背游戏中那样前进。To move forward or progressin or as if in leapfrog.“现在你最好不声不响地溜进我的睡舱去,”我说着,便悄悄地向前移步。"You had better slip down into my stateroom now" I said moving off stealthily.…利用夜视仪在黑夜里先前移动They moved forward in pitch black using night vision-软齶充血并向前移位。The soft palate is very red and displaced forward.


前移 shift forward

前移式叉车 forward fork lift

前移补偿 forward motion compensation

即时前移支架 immediate forward support, IFS, one-web back system曾称"立即支护支架"。採煤机采过后可以立即前移一个截深、支护的液压支架。

尿道前移术 urethral advancement

尿道口前移阴茎头成形术 meatal advancement and glandular plasty

往前移动 move along

缓慢地向前移动 ooze roward

肛门前移 anteceding anus

胶片前移 forward movement of the film

脊椎前移 spondylolisthesis

