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敬佩的英文翻译 敬佩英文怎幺说 敬佩的英文例句




    to esteem
    to admire

esteem [i'sti:m]

    vt.把...看作,尊敬,尊重,认为 n.尊敬,尊重

admire [әd'maiә(r)]



他的爱国行为激起了我们的敬佩。His patriotic action raised our admiration.他很敬佩他的父亲。He has a great respect for his father.我敬佩他的高尚。I admire him for his greatness.我得说我对他真是敬佩--我从未想到他能参加甲队。I must say I take my hat off to him I neverthought he would get into the first team.我不得不敬佩你,如果你需要帮忙,告诉我。I can't help admiring you. If you need my help, let me know.我对他甚为敬佩。I have great esteem for him.我敬佩他的进取态度。I admire his get-up-and-go attitude.早年得志固然让人羡慕不已,大器晚成也让人非常敬佩呢!While it's true that we envy an early bloomer it doesn't mean that we don't admire a late bloomer.阿伦,我敬佩你的勇气Alan I admire your pluck我不得不敬佩某些西西里女人。。I have to admire certain sicilian women..我对他的军人气魄甚表敬佩。I quickly formed a great respect and admiration for his soldierly qualities.我敬佩某些西西里女人…L have to admire certain sicilian women..


敬佩 did homage to; did honor to; did honour to; do homage to; do honor to; done homage to; done honor to; done honour to

